Nokia has released its latest smartphone, the Nokia C22, in India at an introductory price of Rs 7999. The device comes in Charcoal, Sand, and Purple colors and is bundled with Jio services, including 75GB monthly data and three add-on SIMs, for those who subscribe to its Rs 399 plan. The Nokia C22 is an affordable smartphone promising exceptional durability and features Android 13 Go Edition software from Google.
Specifications and Features
The Nokia C22 features a 6.5-inch HD+ LCD display with an aspect ratio of 20:9 and is powered by an octa-core Unisoc SC9863A SoC with 2GB or 4GB of RAM. It has a dual rear camera setup with a 13-megapixel sensor and 2-megapixel macro lens sensor and an 8-megapixel front-facing camera housed within an 8mm waterdrop notch notch notch containing an 8MP sensor for front-facing camera use. It also has fingerprint recognition and a face unlock feature for added security.
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The phone runs on Android 13 Go Edition, which promises to maximize the efficiency of apps and the device by using fewer data, prioritizing the apps you use most, and giving 20% more free storage. It also offers quarterly security updates for two years. The Nokia C22 has an IP52 rating to protect it against dust and splashes, and its 5000mAh battery offers up to three days of usage on one charge.
Price and Release Date
The Nokia C22 costs Rs 7,999 for its 2GB model and Rs 8,499 for its 4GB variant. It will be available for purchase online and in retail stores nationwide beginning May 11th, with a one-year replacement guarantee in effect.
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The Nokia C22 is a sturdy smartphone built to withstand daily life’s challenges, with a robust 5,000mAh battery that promises up to three days of usage on one charge. The phone features 13MP rear cameras containing 2MP macro sensors as well as 8MP selfie cameras, along with being powered by an Unisoc SC9863A octa-core processor running Android 13 Go Edition software from Google. The OS is optimized to minimize unnecessary applications, conserving storage and data space. Memory extension lets you turn unused storage space into extra virtual RAM. Face unlock and fingerprint sensor helps safeguard your phone further. If you are looking to sell old phone online or want to recycle mobile phone then cash2phone is the best place to sell.
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